Walker County Jail in Huntsville, Texas 77320 is located at 655 FM 2821 Road W. The jail’s bed capacity is 268, and the contact phone number is (936) 435-2412. The Walker County Sheriff handles Walker County Jail operations, which includes ensuring that state standards are met. Texas jails that have not been compliant are more strictly scrutinized by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) and could face disciplinary actions.
Restraint Chairs
TCJS-approved restraint devices are used in Texas jails on prisoners exhibiting potentially injurious behavior. Restraint chairs are the most restrictive type of device used on Texas inmates. Guidelines for using restraints are provided by TCJS and giving inmates medical care is central to placing any type of restraint device on an inmate. According to research, restraint chairs pose the most serious potential harm to inmates.
With ankles and wrists placed in locking mechanisms and the lap and torso strapped into restraint chairs, inmates are subjected to a dangerous level of inactivity. There is a real threat that inmates will develop a potentially deadly blood clot or pulmonary embolism.
Watchdog groups have identified restraint chairs as risky due to a pattern of abuse in jails throughout the U.S. The vulnerability of an inmate in a restraint chair is exploited by jailers acting in violation of standards in any state. There are proven instances in which inmates are humiliated and abused while in a restraint chair, and associated custodial deaths happen at an alarming pace.
The posts on this site are intended to help inmates in Texas county jails. There is never an intention to infer that persons or entities have engaged in misdeeds.
–Guest Contributor