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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Childress County Jail

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

The address of Childress County Jail is 100 Avenue F NE in Childress, Texas 79201; and the phone number is (940) 937-2535. The inmate capacity at Childress County Jail is 94. The jail is run by the Childress County Sheriff. Minimum jail standards for Texas jails are designated by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS).  Routine jail inspections, follow-up in areas of non-compliance, and disciplinary actions are the primary ways in which enforcement is handled.

Medical Care

Inmates have a right to medical care while incarcerated. Each jail must have a TCJS-approved plan for providing health services to inmates. The following are examples of care that must be provided:

  • Inmates must have an ability to access a mental health professional or a telemental health service while incarcerated. There was a deadline of August 31, 2020, in which all Texas jails had to have their plan for providing this health service approved by TCJS.
  • Jail staff members must be trained on how to identify when an inmate is pregnant and in labor, and access to appropriate care must be provided. When an inmate states that they are in labor, they must be promptly transported to a nearby hospital. Alternatively, if a medical person at the level of emergency medical technician determines that an inmate is going into labor, the inmate must be immediately transported to a hospital.

Providing information is the purpose of this post. There is no intent for the posts on this site to denote that wrongdoing has occurred on the part of any person or institution.

–Guest Contributor

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