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Blanco County Jail Violates a Restraint-Related Rule

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Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

A notice of non-compliance was issued to Blanco County Jail on January 9, 2025, after failing a jail inspection the previous day. In addition, the Johnson City, Texas, jail is currently listed on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website with other detention centers that violated one or more minimum jail standards. Blanco County Jail was cited for violating one rule, and it is one which governs the use of restraints. TCJS inspectors wrote the following details about their findings:

  • While conducting an inspection at Blanco County Jail, it was discovered in restraint logs that staff exceeded the 15-minute observation requirement.

The address of Blanco County Jail is 105 North Avenue G, Johnson City, Texas 78636. The Blanco County Jail is a high-security county jail with a bed capacity of 56.

Restraint Violations in Jails Endanger Inmates

The rules guiding the use of restraints cover all forms of restraint, from hand cuffs to restraint chairs. Several high-profile custodial deaths in recent years have brought widespread awareness of the potential dangers of restraints. Failing to make observations of inmates in restraints can make the difference between life and death. This is especially true about restraint chairs. Due to custodial deaths and patterns of abuse associated with restraint chairs, they are highly controversial. Many jurisdictions in the U.S. outside of Texas have banned their use.

A Restraint Chair Death

A woman in a Johnson City, Tennessee, jail died after being placed in a restraint chair. She was three times over the legal limit of alcohol when she was strapped into the chair. In accordance with jail policy, she had been classified as a suicide risk. Stringent observation was clearly essential, and the requirement was to observe her every 15 minutes at most.

Ninety minutes after the inmate was placed in the chair, a crisis response worker discovered that she was unconscious. The woman had slipped down in the chair, which caused the restraining straps to tighten around her throat, cutting off her air supply.

She was transported to a local hospital, and she remained there in a comatose state until her death 12 days later. Results of an autopsy showed that brain damage was the cause of death, and it resulted from a failure to get the needed oxygen supply to the brain. Also, placement in the restraint chair was deemed a proximate cause of her death.

Records showed that officers did not physically check her restraints when making 15-minute observations. Instead, they observed the detainee through a small window no more than four times. The last visual check occurred after a 25-minute duration.

Experienced Legal Advocacy for Jail Neglect Cases in Texas

If you or a loved one has experienced neglect in a Texas jail, securing skilled legal representation is essential. The Law Offices of Dean Malone is dedicated to assisting families who have lost loved ones in custody due to potential neglect, abuse, or suicide. We also encourage former inmates who have suffered serious injuries from mistreatment or inadequate care to reach out for legal guidance.

We can be reached 24/7. Contact us today for a free consultation by phone, text, or through our online form.


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Falls County Jail Fails an Inspection for Understaffing

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Falls County Jail was inspected by Texas Commission on Jail Standards inspectors on September 26, 2024. Subsequently, a notice of non-compliance was issued to the Marlin, Texas, jail on October 9. The jail was cited for violating two minimum jail standards. This was a tremendous improvement over the results of an inspection of Falls County Jail earlier this year. After a March 4 inspection, the jail was cited for 14 violations. The two citations issued after the September inspection were repeat offenses and involved understaffing and staff members working without a valid TCOLE jailer’s license. Inspectors’ notes for both follow:

  • While complaint case #38352 was being investigated, it was discovered that Falls County Jail did not meet the required 1 to 48 ratio on August 22, 2024. On that day, there was only 1 jailer on shift and 53 detainees.
  • Staffing rosters were reviewed, and it was discovered that personnel with no TCOLE jailers license were assigned to the dispatch/control room on August 23, 2024, and August 25, 2024.

Falls County Jail’s address is 2847 State Highway 6 in Marlin, Texas 76661. The jail’s bed capacity is 107.

Understaffing is a Widespread Problem in U.S. Jails

An awareness of understaffing in jails may come about as a result of failed jail inspections, but the negative consequences are felt among the inmates. In a county outside Texas, there were major staffing shortages at a juvenile detention facility, resulting in an increase in assaults by young inmates. This led to a safety and security analysis. Then, after a youth fight, seven staff members at the jail were sent to a hospital for treatment. The county is offering hiring bonuses because more than one-fifth of the juvenile detention officer positions are presently unfilled.

At an adult jail facility outside Texas, an audit revealed the depth of the problem of understaffing. The jail is short-staffed by more than 100 corrections officers (COs). Further review found that 504 COs needed to be hired for all shifts to be covered without overtime. Currently, to cover all shifts, 38% of the COs need to work overtime daily. The jail is increasing recruitment efforts, offering wellness and stress-management programs to COs, and looking at moving to an electronic scheduling system in order to reduce overwork.
Another alarming statistic at the jail is that 84 of 146 healthcare positions are vacant. This could potentially expose inmates to medical neglect.

24/7 Support for Jail Death Cases

Jails have a duty to protect the well-being of all individuals in their care. If you’ve been incarcerated in a Texas jail and experienced serious injuries due to neglect, including medical neglect, contact the Law Offices of Dean Malone. With a deep commitment to asserting inmates’ rights, we are here to offer legal assistance. If you suspect that a loved one’s death in jail was caused by medical neglect or abuse, we may be able to help. We have a team that focuses exclusively on cases involving jail deaths.

Don’t wait—contact us today. We are available 24/7 by phone, text, or through our online form.


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Potter County Jail Inmate Van Houang Dies

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Van To Houang was booked into Potter County Jail on January 12, 2024. At age 58, he died of unknown causes on July 29, 2024. A custodial death report (CDR) about Mr. Houang was swiftly filed by the Potter County Sheriff’s Department on July 30, 2024, under the direction of Sheriff Brian Thomas.

The CDR indicates that Mr. Houang was housed in High Observation single cell B-04 on Saturday, July 27, 2024. Officers reported to the duty supervisor that Mr. Houang had several trays of uneaten food in his cell. The supervisor spoke with him and offered him food and drink, but Mr. Houang did not respond. After further efforts to talk to Mr. Houang, he concluded that his interactions were not in keeping with his normal behavior.

The medical staff was contacted. After medical personnel assessed Mr. Houang’s condition, he was sent by ambulance to Northwest Texas Hospital. The jail was notified on July 28 that Mr. Houang’s condition continued to deteriorate, including that his kidneys were shutting down. By mid-morning on the day of his death, it was noted that Mr. Houang’s condition was not improved with dialysis or other treatments. Under a physician’s care, he was pronounced deceased at 5:10 PM.

The address of Potter County Jail is 13100 NE 29th Ave, Amarillo, TX 79111. The jail’s bed capacity is 576.

Statistics on Medical Neglect in U.S. Jails

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) reports every year that most complaints against the state’s jails are related to healthcare. Texas isn’t the only place where there is overall dissatisfaction with the medical care provided in jails. A nationwide survey revealed that 68% of individuals in local jails suffering from a continual medical problem had not undergone a medical examination since being incarcerated. In addition, 25% of the inmates who suffered a serious injury while incarcerated had not received medical care. These numbers are much higher in regard to local jails compared to state and federal prisons.

Common Complaints Related to Medical Care in U.S. Jails

Ever since 1976, when the Eighth Amendment prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment was extended to include the provision of medical care for prisoners, inmates have been the only U.S. group with a constitutional right to healthcare. Despite that, complaints against the healthcare provided in jails have been a common issue.

The following are among the specific types of medical neglect inmates in U.S. jails complain about:

  • Timely care is not provided.
  • Medical staffing is inadequate.
  • Screening processes for diagnosing inmates’ medical conditions are inadequate.
  • After suffering a serious injury, inmates are not transported to a facility for medical attention.
  • Serious conditions that potentially need invasive treatment, such as cancer, are not diagnosed.

Could You Be a Victim of Jail Neglect?

Jail staff are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all detainees under their care. If you or a loved one experienced severe injury due to jail neglect while incarcerated in a Texas jail, reach out to Law Offices of Dean Malone. With broad experience advocating for inmates’ rights, we are here to help. Do you suspect a family member died due to neglect, such as medical neglect, in a Texas jail? We have a team focused on jail death cases. With their proficient assistance, we may also be able to help you.

Don’t wait—contact us 24/7 by phone, text, or through our online form for immediate assistance in scheduling a free case review.


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Oscar Lopez Dies in Hidalgo County Jail on Day 5

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Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Oscar Lopez went through intake at Hidalgo County Jail on February 6, 2024. Tragically, he died in the jail’s custody four days later. The Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department filed the custodial death report (CDR) about Mr. Lopez on July 9, 2024, which was 4 months past the filing deadline.

The summary of how Mr. Lopez’s death occurred indicates that he had difficulty breathing on February 9, 2024, and was transported to the South Texas Health System Heart Hospital at approximately 9:34 p.m. The hospital staff reported to the Hidalgo County Sheriff that Mr. Lopez coded three times while in their care before becoming unresponsive at 11:43 p.m. A justice of the peace pronounced him deceased at 12:02 a.m. on February 10, 2024. Mr. Lopez was only 39 years old.

Hidalgo County Jail is also known as the Hidalgo County Adult Detention Center. The address of the Hidalgo County Jail is 1900 D Street, McAllen TX 78503. At maximum capacity, the facility can house up to 1,232 detainees.

Are Most Jail Deaths Due to Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Preventable?

The U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) created a tool to help manage jail withdrawal and prevent unnecessary deaths. It was published in June 2023 and addresses a real problem. One related headline from a February 2017 publication reveals the motivation behind the more recent report. The headline reads, “Go to Jail. Die From Drug Withdrawal. Welcome to the Criminal Justice System.”

Inmates do not lose their fundamental rights because they are incarcerated. Jails are responsible for providing necessary medical, mental, and dental care. Various medical treatments are effective in preventing withdrawal deaths. Jails should be held accountable if their policies and procedures do not include strategies for effectively saving detainees from suffering severely and dying from the effects of withdrawal.

Guidelines for Jails to Manage Inmates in Withdrawal

When an inmate shows signs of drug or alcohol withdrawal, jails can anticipate and manage the severity of withdrawal symptoms and any psychiatric or medical comorbidities. An example of comorbidity is if a person shows evidence of a heart problem in addition to withdrawal symptoms, and the combined effect could be a risk factor for a poor outcome. Medications can be administered per substance-specific clinical orders. Jails are also encouraged to provide a supportive environment with access to hydration, nutrition, and sleep.

The Law Offices of Dean Malone: Your Advocates in Jail Neglect Cases

Do you suspect that a loved one died in jail due to neglect? Or were you previously detained in a Texas county or municipal jail and suffered a life-changing injury from medical neglect or abuse? It’s crucial to have legal assistance with extensive experience in these specific areas of law.

The Law Offices of Dean Malone is dedicated to addressing cases of jail neglect, inmate abuse, and jail deaths. With a longstanding commitment and trustworthy experience, we are here to help. Contact us anytime, day or night, via phone, text, or our online form for immediate assistance.

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Inmates Escape Texas Jail After Lack of Observation

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Fannin County Jail in Bonham, Texas, has been cited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for violating one jail standard. The escape of two inmates prompted the special jail inspection, which was conducted on February 2, 2024. It was discovered that the two detainees were unobserved for 2 hours before jailers realized that they were missing. Fannin County Jail’s address is 2389 Silo Rd, Bonham, TX 75418. The inmate capacity at the Bonham jail is 528.

What are Inmate Observations?

TCJS requires frequent observations of inmates in municipal and county jails in Texas. During these observations, every detainee is observed face-to-face by a jailer at staggered times. In other words, the face-to-face checks are supposed to occur at different intervals within the time allotted. The general population is observed at least every 60 minutes. At-risk inmates are observed at least every 30 minutes, though some facilities require 15-minute observations of suicidal detainees. Some jails refer to 15-minute checks as “special watch rounds.”

Face-to-face observations by jailers should not be “like clockwork” because if they were, inmates would know exactly how long they have before a jailer will come again. This staggering of times is important for suicidal inmates because it discourages confidence in getting the tragic deed done.

How Important are Observations of Suicidal Inmates?

Suicide rates in jails are significantly higher than the rates for the general population in society. A significant number of jail inmates who died by suicide were not previously recognized as potentially suicidal.

In a study of suicide prevention policies in jails, it was found that few inmates successfully take their own lives while they are on suicide precautions. When detainees succeed in committing suicide, the most likely causes are related to observations, as follows:

  • The required face-to-face observations were not performed.
  • The level of observation was not sufficient compared to the level of suicide risk, such as a detainee who is at a high risk for suicide being placed on a lower level of observation.

Since many inmates in the general population in jails are suicidal, statistically speaking, the observations are also crucial for that group.

The Overall Importance of Inmate Observations

It is assumed that there is a good probability that the recent escape of two inmates at Fannin County Jail would not have happened if observations had been conducted within the required time frame. Therefore, inmate observations conducted at the correct times help to prevent escapes. Detainees are also prevented from engaging in self-harm when jailers conduct observations according to TCJS requirements. Violence against other inmates is reduced when observation checks are correctly performed.

Do You Need Help With a Possible Jail Neglect Claim?

Has a family member died in a U.S. jail possibly because of some type of neglect? Have you been incarcerated in a jail, and during that time you suffered a life-changing event due to medical neglect or some other type of jail neglect? If so, contact our offices today. We care about your situation. You can reach us 24/7 by calling or texting us and by filling out our online contact form.


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Is Jail Neglect a Widespread Problem in Texas?-Pt.14

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Washington County Jail is Cited for Non-Compliance with a Requirement Related to the Medical Care of Inmates

Like Taylor County, Washington County Jail was cited this year for failing to comply with Rule §273.3- Health Instructions. The rule states that all medical instructions of designated physicians shall be followed. The TCJS inspector made the following note about Washington County:

  • During the investigation of complaint #33777, it was discovered that medical provider orders were not followed. Medications and vital checks were not distributed or completed according to provider orders. Medications that were not distributed correctly were identified as “as needed” medications by the provider. However, documentation does not support this response. The additional provided information regarding vital checks indicates that these checks were not conducted as ordered.

Are Custodial Suicides a Possible Result of Jail Neglect?

Rickey Paul Smith was booked into Moore County Jail on July 25, 2021, at 3:03 a.m. He was placed in a single cell, where he was alone and was wearing a soft cast from an injury he had previously sustained. At 5:20 p.m. the next day, a corrections officer with the Moore County Sheriff’s Office discovered Mr. Smith hanging in his cell from a strap that was on his cast. The strap was connected to a half-wall partition inside his cell.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, and Part 13 of this continuing series.

Providing municipal and county jail detainees in Texas with helpful resources is one of this website’s purposes. Suggesting that a person or entity has engaged in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

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Is Jail Neglect a Widespread Problem in Texas?-Pt.11

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The Texas Senate Passes a Bill to Eliminate the Requirement to Investigate all County Jail Deaths Continued

The concern with Senate Bill 1896 is that, if it becomes law, it will allow jails in Texas to escape accountability for cases of medical neglect. Going to jail does not deprive individuals of the right to necessary medical care, and it makes sense that this matter is one that should be properly monitored. It should not be the case, but, for many detainees in Texas, being arrested and placed in a county or municipal jail became a death sentence.

Medical care in local jails is already an ongoing concern because most of the complaints about the facilities are related to medical care, according to annual reports from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Jail inspection reports citing jails for noncompliance make it obvious that jail procedures do not ensure that detainees are receiving appropriate medical treatment.

In the Texas Administrative Code, Title 37 covers Public Safety and Corrections, and Part 9 covers the TCJS rules regarding health services in Chapter 273. When jails are cited for a failure to comply with rules in this chapter, few insights are provided regarding whether detainees receive healthcare.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, and Part 10 of this continuing series.

Providing municipal and county jail detainees in Texas with helpful resources is one of this website’s purposes. Suggesting that a person or entity has engaged in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor



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Is Jail Neglect a Widespread Problem in Texas?-Pt.10

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A Mentally Ill Detainee Was the Victim of Untenable Jail Neglect Continued

A captain at the Harris County Jail testified that he had ordered pictures to be taken of the squalid conditions a 23-year-old detainee had been living in. Another testified that, after the reality of the situation was brought to light, the man was placed back in the same cell that same evening.

Fortunately, that wasn’t the end of it. What happened to the young man was fully investigated. In the end, a district attorney’s statement summarized by saying the jail staff must understand that they must do their jobs, even it the tasks are unpleasant, such as dealing with an unsanitary cell. The detainee was later transferred to a state prison.

The Texas Senate Passes a Bill to Eliminate the Requirement to Investigate All County Jail Deaths

In 2017, Texas passed the Sandra Bland Act, which required all jail deaths to be investigated by an outside law enforcement agency. A bill that just passed in the Texas Senate would walk back that aspect of the Sandra Bland Act. With the new bill, deaths would not have to be investigated if a physician determines that a detainee died of natural causes while in jail custody

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, and Part 9 of this continuing series.

Providing municipal and county jail detainees in Texas with helpful resources is one of this website’s purposes. Suggesting that a person or entity has engaged in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

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Is Jail Neglect a Widespread Problem in Texas?-Pt.8

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Ronald Tracy Bush Dies After Being in Comal County Jail Continued

A medical bandage was noted to the abdomen of Ronald Tracy Bush. A skin defect was noted to the abdomen. A urinary catheter was noted in place. A skin defect was noted to the right ear. A large hole was noted to the abdomen that appeared consistent with a medical surgery. Swelling was noted to be absent from the body. Lividity blanched with light pressure and appeared consistent with Mr. Bush’s position upon CSS’s arrival. Justice of the Peace Mike Rust was informed of the July 11, 2023, death of Ronald Tracy Bush and ordered a full autopsy to be completed at the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office.

A Detainee in a County Jail Froze to Death After Being Locked in the Jail’s Kitchen Freezer

A thirty-three-year-old detainee in Walker County Jail, Alabama, died on January 26, 2023, in the jail’s custody in shocking circumstances. Per the family’s claim, he froze to death after being locked inside the jail’s kitchen freezer as a form of punishment. The statement by the sheriff’s office said that the 33-year-old was taken to the hospital for an evaluation and became unresponsive while at the hospital.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 of this continuing series.

Providing municipal and county jail detainees in Texas with helpful resources is one of this website’s purposes. Suggesting that a person or entity has engaged in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

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Is Jail Neglect a Widespread Problem in Texas?-Pt.7

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Ronald Tracy Bush Dies After Being in Comal County Jail Continued

After emergency surgery was performed on Ronald Tracy Bush on July 11, 2023, hospital personnel consulted with his family regarding his poor medical condition. They instructed personnel to place Mr. Bush on comfort measures. Nurse Practitioner Whitehawk pronounced Ronald Tracy Bush deceased at 9:32 p.m. on July 11, 2023.

The custodial death report further says about Mr. Bush that there is no known history of suicidal ideations or past attempts. There is no known history of drug or tobacco abuse. However, there is a suspected history of alcohol abuse. No signs of trauma. Foul play is not suspected. Mr. Bush is a 53-year-old Caucasian man with brown hair, brown eyes, all natural teeth, and a beard and mustache.

Mr. Bush was observed lying supine on a medical bed in the intensive care unit. Mr. Bush was noted wearing a hospital gown. A medical tube was noted in place to the right nostril. A medical tube was noted in place to the neck. EKG patches were noted to the chest and abdomen. Intravenous catheters were noted to the bilateral arms. A medical identification band was noted to the left wrist, reading “BUSH, RONALD T” and “MRN #000610069.”

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6 of this continuing series.

Providing municipal and county jail detainees in Texas with helpful resources is one of this website’s purposes. Suggesting that a person or entity has engaged in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor


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