Eustacio Gallegos was 73 years old on October 29, 2021, when he died in the custody of Lynn County Sheriff’s Office in Tahoka, Texas. In the custodial death report, the type of custody indicated at the time of the decedent’s death shows pre-custodial use of force. The report also indicates that Mr. Gallegos exhibited mental health problems.
The Texas Juvenile Justice Department provides Texas county jails with specific actions to take in consideration of inmates that are or may be mentally ill. This includes the chapter on the classification and separation of inmates. The idea is for inmates to be classified and housed in the least restrictive available housing without jeopardizing the safety of inmates, staff members, or the public.
Potential risk factors are considered during this process, and those risk factors include such matters as escape history, current offense or conviction, stability factors, and drug and/or alcohol abuse.
There are minimum, medium, and maximum custody levels. Inmates must be placed in appropriate areas. Special units include mental and medical housing, disciplinary separation, protective custody, administrative separation, and inmates who are pregnant.
Intake screening is important and must be completed immediately as inmates are admitted so that mental health, medical, and other special needs that require an inmate to be placed in special housing units can be identified.
Learn more in this continuing series.
It is never an intention on this website to make an implication of wrongdoing on the part of persons or institutions. The purpose of each of the posts added on the site is to provide helpful information that might assist inmates currently or formerly imprisoned in a Texas county jail.
–Guest Contributor