Refugio County Jail is in Refugio, Texas 78377 at 807 Osage Street. The jail can be contacted at the phone number (361) 526-2351. The Refugio County Sheriff is responsible for operations at Refugio County Jail, which has an inmate capacity of 60. Minimum jail standards in city and county jails in the Lone Star State are established and enforced by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Enforcement of jail requirements is largely achieved with annual jail inspections and following up with non-compliant jails.
TCJS-approved restraints can be used at Refugio County Jail if inmates are behaving in a manner that poses a threat to themselves or others. The least restrictive type of restraint must be used as necessary to avoid harm.
Restraint chairs are approved by TCJS, though some jurisdictions in the U.S. have outlawed them because of custodial deaths linked to the restraint device.
Medical care must be provided throughout the ordeal that inmates go through when restraint devices are used. Before being placed in restraints, a medical professional must assess an inmate’s health condition. For every two hours that an inmate is kept in a restraint, medical care must be provided. The care includes checking vital signs, allowing the inmate access to restroom facilities, and allowing the inmate to exercise extremities and possibly change positions.
This site’s posts are provided to help Texas inmates whose rights may have been violated. There is never an intention to suggest impropriety on the part of a person or institution.
–Guest Contributor