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Police Abuse Lawyer – A Former Houston, Texas Police Officer Faces Charges, in D.A.’s Fresh Focus on Police Accountability

English: 1200 Travis, the headquarters of the ...
English: 1200 Travis, the headquarters of the Houston Police Department Español: 1200 Travis, la sede del Departamento de Policía de Houston (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A former Houston, Texas, police officer has been indicted by a grand jury for actions taken on February 16, 2017. News of the indictment was released on June 22, 2017. In connection with the announcement about the former Houston Police Department officer, Kim Ogg, Houston’s District Attorney, said that her administration is focusing on police accountability. The former officer has now been charged with felony tampering of evidence and misdemeanor assault. Ogg, who has been the D.A. in Houston for six months, said at a news conference that these charges reflect the fresh commitment to police accountability.

The charges address alleged actions of the former police officer when he had a controversial encounter with Derek Carr, a man who had allegedly robbed the officer’s family home in Acres Homes, a northwest Houston neighborhood.

According to prosecutors who charged Carr with burglary, Carr was carrying some of the officer’s belongings and a 16-inch metal tool. They also say that since 1992, court records indicate that Carr has allegedly been charged with burglary 11 times.

When the former police officer encountered Carr on February 16, he was wearing his police uniform but was off duty. He and Carr got into a physical altercation, and the officer allegedly shot Carr once in the back and once in the arm. Just after the shooting, a bystander began shooting video footage, and it allegedly shows that the officer repeatedly kicked Carr. Photo evidence suggests that the police officer moved the metal tool, and the Houston D.A. said doing so was clearly meant to tamper with the evidence.

A Harris County grand jury did not indict the officer on a charge of aggravated assault for the shooting. The grand jury did, however, return a felony charge of allegedly tampering with evidence and a misdemeanor assault charge for allegedly kicking Carr.

Ogg used these indictments as an occasion to double down on her intent to make sure the law applies to all people equally, including law enforcement officials.

–Guest Contributor


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Burkburnett Police Officer Arrested for Alleged Drink Driving

Oil derricks at Burkburnett, Texas
Oil derricks at Burkburnett, Texas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A female Burkburnett, Texas police officer was arrested this week in Wichita Falls for allegedly driving while intoxicated.  A Wichita County Sheriff’s deputy allegedly saw her vehicle run a flashing red light at approximately 2:20 a.m.

The deputy pulled the driver over, and the driver allegedly had no identification.  The deputy alleged that the driver’s speech was slurred, and that he could smell alcohol on her breath.  He also alleged that she was swaying when standing.  The driver allegedly began a field sobriety test and then refused to continue it.  The driver was then taken to jail, where she allegedly refused to provide breath or blood samples.  Ultimately, the deputy allegedly obtained a warrant for the police officer to provide blood samples.  It appears that the Burkburnett police officer is still employed as an officer by that city.

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Dean Malone Lead Trial Lawyer - Jail Neglect
Education: Baylor University School of Law

Dean Malone is the founder of Law Offices of Dean Malone, P.C., a jail neglect civil rights law firm. Mr. Malone earned his bachelor's degree at the University of Texas at Dallas, graduating summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA, and from Baylor University School of Law with a general civil litigation concentration. Mr. Malone served in several staff positions for the Baylor Law Review, including executive editor. Mr. Malone is an experienced trial lawyer, trying a number of cases to jury verdict and also handling arbitrations through final hearing. He heads the jail neglect section of his law firm, in which lawyers litigate cases involving serious injury and death resulting from jail neglect and abuse. Lawyers frequently refer cases to Mr. Malone due to his focus on this very complicated civil rights practice area.