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Tom Green County Jail is Cited for a Rule Violation

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The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) has cited Tom Green County Jail in San Angelo, Texas, for a jail standards violation. TCJS issued a notice of non-compliance to Tom Green County Jail after an inspection that took place on March 5-6, 2024. The jail inspection report shows that Tom Green County Jail violated Rule §279.1-Sanitation Plan in the chapter on sanitation, though it identifies the rule incorrectly as one under the chapter on life safety rules.

Tom Green County Jail’s address is 122 W Harris Ave., San Angelo, Texas 76903. The San Angelo jail has a 1,001-bed capacity.

Excessive Amounts of Nuisance Contraband Found in Tom Green County Jail

TCJS inspectors added a lengthy comment detailing conditions that Tom Green County Jail needs to correct. Scenes noted during the walk-through of the male inmate area were described in detail. The following are examples of inspectors’ observations during the March inspection:

  • In and around inmate bunks, excessive amounts of nuisance contraband were found.
  • Extra blankets and torn mattress covers obstructed the officers’ view of numerous bunks.
  • In multiple areas, clothing lines were constructed using shredded jail property.
  • The locking devices on multiple doors had contraband stuffed into them, allowing doors to be propped open.
  • The officers’ view was obstructed by used pizza boxes throughout the inmate housing areas.

Can Excessive Contraband Endanger Inmates?

Many types of contraband turn up in U.S. jails, the most dangerous of which are weapons and illicit drugs. The conditions described at Tom Green County Jail can endanger detainees because obstructions can prevent jailers from making appropriate face-to-face observations. Because suicide is the number one cause of inmate death in local jails, supervision is one of the most important protections for detainees. In recent months in Texas county jails, inmates have died from suicide at times when jailers were unable to conduct face-to-face checks because their view was obstructed.

There are numerous threats related to contraband, including fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid approved by the FDA for pain relief. At a time when illicit fentanyl has increased the number of deaths in jails, it can be frightening to learn that drones are now often used to deliver illegal contraband to detainees.

The National Institute of Justice recently published a lengthy report on the growing threat of drone deliveries in jails and prisons. When there is evidence of excessive contraband in a facility, it is only natural to recognize that the situation, in several ways, can potentially endanger the lives of detainees.

Help With Jail Negligence Resulting in Death or Serious Injury

Do you need help with a case of possible jail neglect or medical neglect? Our office is dedicated to helping ex-inmates and their families when death or serious injury has occurred due to jail neglect. Experienced help is what you need, to avoid potential missteps within the legal system.

We care about these concerns and invite you to contact us. You can reach us 24/7 via phone call, text, or our online form.

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San Jacinto County Jail Fails State Inspection

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San Jacinto County Jail in Coldspring, Texas, has been cited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for one jail violation. A TCJS inspector visited San Jacinto County Jail on March 7, 2024, and conducted a special jail inspection. The reasons TCJS inspects jails at times other than for annual inspections include complaint responses and follow-ups to reports of custodial deaths.

The violation San Jacinto Jail was cited for is in the chapter about discipline and grievances. The inspector’s note indicates that “inmates were not given 24 hours written notice before hearings were held on facility rules violations.” The San Jacinto County Jail’s address is 75 W. Cedar Avenue, Coldspring, Texas 77331. The Coldspring jail has a 101-bed capacity.

Medical Complaints are Prevalent Among Texas Detainees in County Jails

TCJS not only establishes operational guidelines for local Texas jails, but it also handles inmate complaints. The TCJS 2022 annual report mentions that 1,132 complaint letters against Texas jails:

  1. Did not require a response from county officials,
  2. Were beyond the Commission’s purview, or
  3. Were returned to the sender with instructions to use the established jail grievance system in their facility.

The remaining complaints were handled in one of two ways, as follows:

  • Conditions in need of correction were alleviated, or
  • The lack of truth in the accusations was established, “thus helping to eliminate frivolous litigation.”

Of the 2022 complaint allegations, 1,306 were about medical and dental care. Most topics had well below 100 complaints each. “Other” was the largest category but represents a potentially broad range of areas. The third most common type of complaint was about sanitation, with 548 total.

TCJS reports the same statistic every year in that, by far, most complaints are related to medical and dental care. This is a cause of concern because when medical issues aren’t addressed, it can result in serious repercussions to inmates, including death.

Is Medical Neglect a Big Issue in U.S. Jails?

Watchdog groups concerned with protecting the interests of jail detainees often bring to light custodial deaths associated with potential medical neglect. When someone dies of sepsis, for example, a red flag suggesting potential medical neglect is raised. Sepsis can be prevented by treatment with antibiotics. If caught early enough, treatment for sepsis typically leads to a full recovery with no enduring problems.

Signs of sepsis are easily diagnosed, and they include fever, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, and difficulty breathing. Treatment includes antibiotics and maintaining blood flow to organs. Inmates have a right to receive such necessary treatment as is given for possible sepsis, as well as the necessary care in connection with other medical conditions.

Has a Loved One Died of Possible Jail Medical Neglect?

If you suspect that a loved one who was in a U.S. jail has died as a result of medical neglect, give our office a call. We have a team dedicated to the diligent handling of such cases. Any lawsuits that may be filed as a result of jail neglect should be handled by competent professionals. The best way to avoid procedural errors within the legal system is by hiring attorneys who have experience handling your type of case.

We have a genuine interest in helping families of deceased inmates and former inmates who are suffering severe results of jail neglect. You can contact us at any time of the day or night. Call, text, or fill out our online form to reach out to us today.

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Falls County, Texas Jail Cited

Front of Jail Cell

Falls County Jail in Marlin, Texas, has been cited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for 14 alleged jail violations. Records show that, in recent history, Falls County Jail inspections have repeatedly resulted in citations for violations of minimum jail standards. Typically, Texas jails are cited for failing to comply with about 1 to 4 rules, on average. A total of 14 violations may not be unprecedented, but it is surely a reason for concern. Falls County Jail’s address is 2847 State Highway 6 in Marlin, Texas 76661. The bed capacity at the Marlin jail is 107.

A Custodial Death Occurs in Falls County Jail on 1/8/24

In a March 4, 2024, inspection report, TCJS inspectors left notes explaining the alleged deficiencies of Falls County Jail in connection with the 14 rule violations. The January 8, 2024, custodial death of an inmate appears to be the one referred to in several of those explanations in the lengthy jail inspection report. The notes of TCJS inspectors referring to the death or that could have made a significant impact on inmate care follow:

  • The jail administration was unable to provide records of mental disability/suicide training of staff in accordance with the approved operational plan for Falls County Jail.
  • The review of a custodial death revealed that the magistrate was not notified within 12 hours in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 16.22.
  • During the review of a custodial death, it was found that the CCQ was run approximately 18 days after intake.
  • Observation checks of inmates are conducted late on a routine basis. The 60-minute observation checks of inmates were found to have been conducted anywhere from 1 minute to 59 minutes late. The 30-minute observations of at-risk inmates, such as those who are potentially suicidal, were found to be late by 1 minute to 1 hour and 17 minutes.
  • Staffing records revealed that from December 2023 to February 2024, staffing levels for the facility exceeded the required 1 to 48 ratio approximately 10% of the time. Staffing levels were found to be as high as 1 to 58.

How Do These Jail Violations Potentially Harm Inmates?

During intake, the inmate who died in January 2024 at Falls County Jail appeared to be intoxicated and exhibited mental health problems. This information is indicated in the custodial death report (CDR) the Falls County Sheriff’s Department filled out about his death. Protections may have been denied because of the lack of attention to several minimum jail standards related to mentally handicapped detainees.

With 14 violations of minimum standards, there is an implication of possibly causing harm to inmates through jail neglect. The mention of the deceased inmate was connected to two follow-up procedures, mandates that were obviously intended to protect the interests of detainees with special needs.

Help is Available for Jail Neglect Cases

Our office is dedicated to helping with jail medical neglect and other jail neglect cases. If, possibly due to jail neglect, a loved one has died while incarcerated in a county jail anywhere in the U.S. or if you have sustained devastating injuries when you were in jail, contact us today. We can be reached 24/7 by phone call, text, or by filling out our online form.

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Blanco County Jail Fails State Inspection

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Blanco County Jail in Johnson City, Texas, has been cited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for two alleged jail violations. Anytime a U.S. jail fails to uphold minimum standards, there is an increased risk that the rights of detainees could be denied. A March 11, 2024, notice of non-compliance was sent to Blanco County Jail about a special jail inspection conducted on March 6.

The Johnson City jail is cited for an issue that could result in medical neglect. The jail was also found deficient in completing an important aspect of the initial screening process for detainees. More follows about the importance of these jail standards to the well-being of inmates. Blanco County Jail’s address is 105 North Avenue G, Johnson City, Texas 78636. The bed capacity at the Johnson City jail is 56.

Medical Neglect in County and Municipal Jails

Blanco County Jail allegedly violated a minimum jail standard listed in the health services chapter. After reviewing restraint logs, TCJS inspectors found that out of 22 entries showing face-to-face observations, which are required at least every 15 minutes, 5 were late by 3 to 16 minutes.

The potential dangers associated with restraints have been made clear in several high-profile cases in recent years. One example is George Floyd, who uttered “I can’t breathe” before ultimately dying while handcuffed on the ground. In jails as well as in encounters with police, it is reported that intense struggle is usually involved when it is deemed necessary to place a suspect or detainee in restraints.

It is for health reasons that inmates in restraints are supposed to be checked at least every 15 minutes. The manufacturer’s instructions that come with restraint chairs, for example, stress the importance of frequently ensuring that there is no restriction on the circulation of the person restrained. In addition, no straps should be applied so that the person’s air supply could be cut off.

Omissions During Intake Could Suggest Jail Neglect

It could mean the difference between life and death if intake procedures for inmates are not handled responsibly. In the case of Blanco County Jail, TCJS inspectors allege that notifications to the magistrate and mental health officials are not being handled according to Code of Criminal Procedures (CCP) Article 16.22. CCP 16.22 lays out the procedures for early identification of individuals in the criminal justice system suspected of being mentally handicapped or intellectually disabled.

The most significant reason for the importance of identifying inmates who are mentally ill is so that suicide prevention measures may be applied. Suicide is the number one cause of death among detainees in local jails in the U.S. Failing to provide appropriate precautions for at-risk inmates may be deemed a type of jail neglect, which denies inmates their rights.

Where to Call for Help

Getting justice in jail neglect cases, as in all lawsuits, requires proper handling within the dictates of the justice system. Our law office has years of experience in representing families of loved ones who have died due to jail neglect. When possible, we also represent former inmates who have suffered life-altering injuries while in a U.S. jail. Contact us today. We are available 24/7 by phone call, text, and our online form.


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Shelby County Jail is Found Noncompliant After a Detainee’s Death

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On February 26, 2024, inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) visited Shelby County Jail in Center, Texas, as a follow-up to a death. They were subsequently cited for one jail violation. This is now the sixth year in a row that TCJS cited the jail for failing to comply with minimum jail standards. Shelby County Jail’s address is 100 Hurst St, Center, TX 75935. The bed capacity at the Center jail is 66.

How Do Shelby County Jail’s Violations Do Possible Harm to Detainees?

2024 Violation

The special jail inspection that occurred in February 2024 alleges in the subsequent report that Shelby County Jail did not provide inmate supervision to the deceased as required. The jailers made observation rounds within the timeframe mandated but failed to view the inmate face-to-face, which is the requirement, per minimum jail standards.

How Could This Violation Have Caused Harm to the Inmate?

The custodial death report for the inmate likely referred to in this special jail inspection report does not reveal any particulars about the death. However, the fact that the inmate was potentially not checked on for hours could mean that life-saving opportunities were lost. For example, it is conceivable that he may have had a medical emergency and was unable to call out for help.

If the cause of death turns out to be suicide, the lack of proper observations may be considered a contributory cause of his death. Jail staff receive routine training on suicide prevention measures. Their training should include information about supervision being a primary deterrent for custodial suicides.

2023 Violations and Possible Results

Shelby County Jail violated the same rule cited above in 2023, as well. But they also failed to supervise inmates held in holding cells or detoxification cells. The inspector noted that jail staff routinely exceeded 30-minute observations, which are required.

Detainees in holding cells and detox cells are in the “at risk” category, which means heightened supervision is required. The goal of increased supervision is to prevent self-harm, such as suicide. Detainees in detox could experience a medical emergency resulting in death. Unfortunately, many inmates in municipal and county jails die from the effects of detoxification within hours of entering jail.

2022 Violations and Potential Harm to Inmates

A life safety equipment violation was one of the two that Shelby County Jail was cited for in July 2022. The lack of an active smoke detector could obviously result in catastrophe. The other violation involved a lack of training among jailers. A staff member, at the time of the inspection, was actively supervising inmates although he did not have a valid TCOLE Jailers License. This suggests a lack of training that, for multiple reasons, could have dire consequences for detainees. For instance, what are the procedures in the event of a fire or a medical emergency?

2021 Violation and its Possible Harmful Results

As a result of a March 2021 inspection, Shelby County Jail was cited for failing to show that medications were distributed to inmates in accordance with a doctor’s written instructions. This could point to medical neglect in the jail.

2019 Violation and Possible Consequences to Inmates

In January 2019, it was found that Shelby County Jail was non-compliant in the area of supervision and communication. The inspector’s notes then spelled out what the consequences may have been:

It was determined that the inmate worker was not observed “no less than once every 60 minutes,” as required. This allowed the inmate the opportunity to leave his assignment several times for up to 2.5 hours and engage in illegal activity.

Has Your Loved One Died as a Result of Jail Medical Neglect?

Our law offices routinely handle cases involving possible jail neglect and jail medical neglect. Our team dedicated to working on jail neglect death cases is actively defending families who have lost loved ones who died in jail. Being detained in jail is not supposed to be a death sentence. We care about your concerns. Don’t hesitate to contact us today. You can reach us at any time of the day or night via phone call, text, or our online form. In addition to jail death cases, we represent former jail inmates who suffered life-altering injuries due to jail neglect.



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Inmates Escape Texas Jail After Lack of Observation

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Fannin County Jail in Bonham, Texas, has been cited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for violating one jail standard. The escape of two inmates prompted the special jail inspection, which was conducted on February 2, 2024. It was discovered that the two detainees were unobserved for 2 hours before jailers realized that they were missing. Fannin County Jail’s address is 2389 Silo Rd, Bonham, TX 75418. The inmate capacity at the Bonham jail is 528.

What are Inmate Observations?

TCJS requires frequent observations of inmates in municipal and county jails in Texas. During these observations, every detainee is observed face-to-face by a jailer at staggered times. In other words, the face-to-face checks are supposed to occur at different intervals within the time allotted. The general population is observed at least every 60 minutes. At-risk inmates are observed at least every 30 minutes, though some facilities require 15-minute observations of suicidal detainees. Some jails refer to 15-minute checks as “special watch rounds.”

Face-to-face observations by jailers should not be “like clockwork” because if they were, inmates would know exactly how long they have before a jailer will come again. This staggering of times is important for suicidal inmates because it discourages confidence in getting the tragic deed done.

How Important are Observations of Suicidal Inmates?

Suicide rates in jails are significantly higher than the rates for the general population in society. A significant number of jail inmates who died by suicide were not previously recognized as potentially suicidal.

In a study of suicide prevention policies in jails, it was found that few inmates successfully take their own lives while they are on suicide precautions. When detainees succeed in committing suicide, the most likely causes are related to observations, as follows:

  • The required face-to-face observations were not performed.
  • The level of observation was not sufficient compared to the level of suicide risk, such as a detainee who is at a high risk for suicide being placed on a lower level of observation.

Since many inmates in the general population in jails are suicidal, statistically speaking, the observations are also crucial for that group.

The Overall Importance of Inmate Observations

It is assumed that there is a good probability that the recent escape of two inmates at Fannin County Jail would not have happened if observations had been conducted within the required time frame. Therefore, inmate observations conducted at the correct times help to prevent escapes. Detainees are also prevented from engaging in self-harm when jailers conduct observations according to TCJS requirements. Violence against other inmates is reduced when observation checks are correctly performed.

Do You Need Help With a Possible Jail Neglect Claim?

Has a family member died in a U.S. jail possibly because of some type of neglect? Have you been incarcerated in a jail, and during that time you suffered a life-changing event due to medical neglect or some other type of jail neglect? If so, contact our offices today. We care about your situation. You can reach us 24/7 by calling or texting us and by filling out our online contact form.


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Inmates in Hill County Jail TX were at Risk Due to Failed Fire Safety Standards

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Hill County Jail in Hillsboro, Texas, was subjected to its annual jail inspection on February 8, 2024. As a result, the jail received a citation from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for five jail violations. Hill County Jail’s address is 406 Hall St, Hillsboro, TX 76645. The bed capacity at the Hillsboro jail is 203.

Life Safety Training Violations

TCJS works with jails to bring them up to minimum jail standards. Hill County Jail was found to have violated three requirements in the chapter on Life Safety Rules. One of those alleged violations follows:

  • Hill County Jail failed to provide life safety training for all jail staff during the third and fourth quarters of 2023.

This standard requiring jail staff to be trained in life safety is important to the well-being of every detainee. Jail staff training regarding plans and drills for emergencies includes what to do in case of fire and other urgent situations. Fires can be devastating incidents. During training, jail staff learn general knowledge about fires, fire safety, fire prevention and fire suppression and response within a jail. Evacuation drills are also covered in life safety training for jailers as well as knowing how to use and where to find life safety equipment.

Hill County Jail Fails Fire Prevention Standards

During the annual inspections at every county jail in Texas, inspectors with TCJS determine whether fire prevention standards are upheld. A comprehensive fire prevention checklist is used. Among the many items checked are the following:

  • Has a TCJS-approved emergency evacuation plan been posted in the jail?
  • Do authorized persons routinely check and date fire extinguishers?
  • Are the fire detection systems in good working order?

Despite the obvious importance of fire prevention standards to the safety of inmates, Hill County Jail:

  • Failed to conduct quarterly fire prevention and fire hazard inspections during the two quarters in 2023.
  • Fell 10 months behind in getting the ansul system in the kitchen inspected.

Ansul systems are automatic fire suppression systems that can effectively tackle large, dangerous fires with no human aid. They are placed over the cooking areas in jail kitchens.

Are Fires a Problem in County Jails?

Recent news stories demonstrate the importance of fire prevention and fire safety standards for jails. In Georgia’s Fulton County Jail, an inmate allegedly set his cell ablaze. Reportedly, in a Los Angeles, California, jail, the cells frequently smell like campfires. According to the jail staff, fires started in cells are used to warm coffee, cook food, light contraband drugs or cigarettes, or stay warm.

Who Can Help With Jail Neglect Cases?

Are you seeking help because you were critically injured while in a county jail or has a family member of yours died due to jail neglect? It can be extremely important to your cause to ensure that any legal representation on your behalf has experience with cases involving jail deaths, medical neglect, or jail neglect in general.

We are dedicated to helping whenever we can if jail neglect has caused devastation in Texas or anywhere else in the United States. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, you can call us, reach us by text, or fill out our contact form.

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Crockett, Texas Jail is Cited for Issues Related to Overcrowding

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Crockett County Jail was scrutinized by inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) on February 9, 2024. As a result, TCJS inspectors cited the Crockett jail with four violations of minimum jail standards. Two of those standards are frequently associated with jail overcrowding, a common issue in Texas and throughout the United States.

Jail Overcrowding is an Ongoing Problem

A January 2024 news story reveals that West Virginia continues to have jail overcrowding problems. The state recently led the nation in the jail population growth rate. It more than doubled between 2000 and 2009; from 2018 through 2022, the situation worsened even more.
Families are making an outcry, trying to put a spotlight on conditions described as “less safe, secure, and humane” than jail facilities should be. For example, there are allegedly two to three inmates in single-person cells, and inmates have been sleeping in the facility’s day room. In one jail, according to research, 228 detainees were assigned to sleep on the floor.
Overall, according to a leader in corrections in the state, there were 167 detainees over capacity among the 10 county jails. The number of inmates above capacity is not spread evenly between the jails.
Recent deaths could be a symptom of overcrowding in West Virginia jails, per a legislator in that state. Yet, West Virginia officials are currently focused on recruitment and retention of corrections officers more than other issues in the jails. Understaffing of corrections officers generally goes hand in hand with jail overcrowding.

What is Causing the Widespread Problem of Jail Overcrowding?

In the 40 years ending in 2015, the number of people held in U.S. jails has more than quadrupled. This explosive growth of imprisonment is an inevitable result of decades of tough-on-crime policies. Mandatory sentencing laws related to the “war on drugs” have resulted in more arrests and inflexibility of sentencing. Judges are prevented from tailoring punishment to the individual and the seriousness of the offense.

An Inmate Death in a U.S. Jail was Caused by Neglect

This week, details about a January 2024 custodial death in a Tennessee jail have emerged. Per a ruling, a 42-year-old detainee’s death was caused by homicide due to jail neglect. Inhumane circumstances contributed to the man’s decline and death. The autopsy uncovered evidence of severe jail neglect through malnutrition and severe dehydration. Extensive and severe infestations of lice, bed bugs, and innumerable insects all over the body of the deceased were discovered.
The inmate was mentally ill, having been diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia. He was allegedly not provided with his medication while he was in the jail. This likely caused the man to be deprived of brain function. The deplorable conditions suffered by the deceased allegedly demonstrate an ongoing pattern of neglect in that county.

Help for Severe Injury and Death Due to Jail Neglect

One of the notes related to a violation by Crockett County Jail said that jail staff exceeded 60-minute and 30-minute face-to-face observation requirements by anywhere from 1 minute to 4 hours. Another says that jail staff exceeded 15-minute observation requirements for detainees held in restraints by 15 minutes to 43 minutes. In some cases, these violations can be evidence of jail neglect and medical neglect.

Have you suffered life-altering injuries in jail or has a family member died in jail due to neglect? We care about inmate rights. Whenever possible, we are glad to provide legal representation. Call us today. You can also text or fill out our online form.

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Uvalde County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) conducted an inspection of Uvalde County Jail on January 10, 2024, and found that the jail was noncompliant with two minimum jail standards. A notice of noncompliance was sent to Uvalde County Jail on January 17, 2024, indicating that corrective action must be completed upon receipt of the notice. The address of Uvalde County Jail is 339 King Fisher Ln, Uvalde, TX 78801. The jail has a 739-bed capacity.

Rule §263.55-Inspections, Maintenance, Testing

Uvalde County Jail allegedly violated Rule §263.55-Inspections, Maintenance, Testing, which is among the life safety rules that pertain to life safety and emergency equipment. The purpose of the requirement to inspect, maintain, and have the equipment tested by a qualified person annually is to ensure that the equipment is at all times fully operative. A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is among the equipment jails are required to have. 

  • During a walkthrough, inspectors observed that the fire panel was in trouble mode. In addition, the blue tag from November 23, 2023, indicated that the panel was red-tagged. A service tag was not present to indicate that the deficiency was repaired.

Rule §273.5(c)(2) – Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities History Check.

Uvalde County Jail also allegedly violated Rule §273.5(c)(2), which is part of the Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan. The rule specifies procedures related to identifying and making notifications regarding detainees with mental disabilities.

  • A TCJS inspector reviewed the CCQ and Mental Health Screening forms, and on two occasions, was unable to determine if a CCQ was run and whether the magistrate was notified.

The guidelines for the operation of Texas county jails set out by TCJS generally have a potential impact on the safety and well-being of detainees. You can take action when you believe that jail neglect has caused your loved one harm or has tragically resulted in their death.

Family members can advocate for their loved ones incarcerated in Texas jails. For instance, you can follow up on their mental health history by calling the jail administrator or the medical staff at the jail. Urge the importance of the medications they need for continued treatment. Because of privacy laws/HIPPA, it may be necessary for you to obtain a medical release. Steps to get the medical release authorization form are at this link: Medical Release Forms.

Year after year, most complaints about Texas county jails are in regard to medical care. A report on the medical issues of detainees in U.S. jails revealed that more than one-third of detainees in jails reported having a current medical problem. Inmates have a right to receive needed medical attention. That right is not surrendered, though jails may have trouble addressing inmate health problems due to the sheer volume of inmates in need of medical care.

If you suffered harm in jail or had a loved one who died in a jail and believe that it happened due to the jail’s negligence, please reach out to us. If you were incarcerated in Texas or elsewhere in the United States, we will do our utmost to determine whether we can be of help.

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Duval County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Duval County Jail is among the non-compliant jails currently listed on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website. In a December 18, 2023, notice of noncompliance, Duval County Jail is advised of the results of a jail inspection conducted on December 6, 2023. The San Diego, Texas, jail has been cited for the alleged violation of one minimum jail standard. The address of Duval County Jail is 401 E Collins Ave, San Diego, TX 78384. The jail can house up to 48 detainees.

Duval County Jail is Cited for Non-Compliance with Rule §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers

Rule §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers is in the chapter on the Supervision of Inmates. The rule states that every facility shall have the appropriate number of jailers at the facility 24 hours each day. Facilities shall have an established procedure for documented, face-to-face observation of all inmates by jailers no less than once every 60 minutes. Observation shall be performed at least every 30 minutes in areas where inmates known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are confined.

  • The TCJS inspector reported that while reviewing observation checks from the Duval County Jail for a complaint, it was determined that the jail staff failed to conduct observation checks within the 30-minute timeframe in accordance with minimum jail standards. 

Following a jail inspection that occurred on April 5, 2021, Duval County Jail was cited for three alleged violations of minimum jail standards. The above-referenced rule was included then, as well. TCJS Inspector Jennifer Shumake’s note in the 2021 jail inspection report states: “It was determined that jailers exceeded 30 minute face-to-face observation in areas where inmates are known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, or mentally ill, or who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are confined.

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