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Jail Mental Health Care Denial

It is important to remember that neglecting severe medical needs, especially mental health care, violates protections provided by the Fourteenth Amendment for pretrial detainees. When individuals don’t receive the mental health treatment they need, it can lead to significant psychological challenges.

Understanding Your Rights and Legal Recourse

At the Law Offices of Dean Malone, P.C., we advocate for individuals who were denied adequate medical care while they were in jail, including mental health services, and which resulted in serious injury or death. We are passionate about addressing mental health issues in jails.  Jails have unfortunately become the place where far too many people with severe mental health issues are housed.

Defining Mental Health Care Denial

Inmates should not be denied necessary care while in jail. Denial of mental health care can occur when inmates do not receive treatment during their incarceration. This includes situations where individuals who were taking medication for mental health conditions at the time of admission do not continue to receive their medication while in jail. Additionally, individuals exhibiting symptoms of psychosis are often placed in solitary confinement, which can worsen their underlying mental illnesses.

Impact of Denied Mental Health Treatment in Jail

Denial of mental health treatment in jails can lead to profound negative implications for inmates, from increased risk of suicide to increased risk of relapse for their mental illness and increased chronic health care conditions, which can be deadly.

Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Jails

In the United States, accessing quality mental health care in jails is becoming a crucial concern. Over 40% of incarcerated individuals have mental health disorders, highlighting the need for adequate support. Alarmingly, suicides in state facilities have risen by 85%, federal jails by 61%, and local jails by 13%, from 2001 to 2019.

Legal Mental Health Obligations of Jails

The United States Constitution mandates that jails provide mental health care to incarcerated individuals. This means they must offer reasonably adequate treatment for serious mental health issues.

What to Do if Care is Denied

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Dean Malone, P.C. are committed to helping those who suffered a serious injury, and families of those who died, as a result of the denial of mental health care. If you are an individual who in jail, or a family member of an inmate who has suffered serious injury or death from a denial of mental health care, call us today.

Trust the Dedicated Jail Neglect Attorneys at the Law Offices of Dean Malone, P.C.

Contact the Law Offices of Dean Malone, P.C. team for a free evaluation of an injury or death situation related to mental health care denial. Our dedicated lawyers with expertise in jail neglect and abuse cases are ready to assess the situation and explore legal options.