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A Lowe’s Worker is 1 of 12 in a Forklift or Pallet-Related TX Job Accident in 09/2021

Warehouse workers face forklift and pallet-related hazards such as amputation injuries, including those at Lowe’s, Walmart, Home Depot, and Amazon, none of which are likely subscribers to workers’ compensation in Texas. When the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reported the serious injuries that occurred in work environments in September 2021, it revealed many warehouse injuries in Texas alone.

Twelve Texas employees were injured in accidents involving a forklift and/or pallet jack. There were three follow-up inspections, each of which resulted in OSHA penalties. The safety issues they are cited for are matters that Walmart, Lowe’s, Amazon, and Home Depot must address for the safety of their employees, too.

OSHA’s recent report included a September 2021 serious work injury that occurred at Lowe’s Regional Distribution Center at 955 Lowes Lane in Mount Vernon TX 75457. The NAICS Code for Lowe’s Regional Distribution Center is 493110, which is the General Warehousing and Storage industry. This and similar establishments utilize forklifts, pallets, and racks on a regular basis.

A Lowe’s Employee Injured on the Job Requires Surgery

On September 30, 2021, an employee with Lowe’s Regional Distribution Center was hospitalized for a serious injury he suffered while performing maintenance and repair on a forklift. While he was installing a steering unit on a forklift, the Lowe’s worker was lowering a jack. His right ring finger became caught between the lift and steering assembly. This resulted in an injury requiring surgery.

Implicating people or entities in acts of wrongdoing is never an intention on this website. The hope in making posts on this site is to help workers hurt on the job and the families of employees killed in the workplace when the employer of the injured party was not a subscriber to Texas workers’ compensation insurance.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh