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Texas Amazon Employees are Injured in Forklift Accidents

An Amazon employee allegedly lost a thumb in a forklift-related accident in Fort Worth, Texas, on July 19, 2020. Here is the link with more information on the accident. Amazon is an employer that likely does not prescribe to Texas workers’ compensation.

Forklifts are a serious threat in warehouses, where they are associated with two worker deaths in the U.S. every month, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in an issue of the OSHA weekly fatality/catastrophe report. OSHA provides safety standards intended to prevent workplace injuries related to forklifts.

A general rule of safety for operating a forklift is that the travel conditions along the planned route must be known by the forklift driver. The following are related OSHA standards:

  • The forklift operator must drive at a speed allowing for a safe stop in all travel conditions. [29 CFR 1910.178(n)(8)]
  • When the floors are slippery and wet, the forklift operator must drive at a slower speed. [29 CFR 1910.178(n)(10)]
  • Forklift drivers must keep their eyes in the direction of the path of travel and maintain an unobstructed view. [29 CFR 1910.178(n)(6)]

Learn more in this ongoing series.

The intention of posts on this work injury website is to provide helpful resources for employees who have suffered Texas on-the-job injuries, particularly when the employer has not made the choice to prescribe to the workers’ comp program in the state. This site never intends to suggest wrongs on the part of persons or organizations.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh