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A 2nd Bexar County Jail Inmate Dies Within 3 Days-Pt.4

DM Inmate in handcuffs

On July 2, 2023, a deputy at Bexar County Jail and the Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) had entered cell MF07 and found that inmate Freeman Emmanuel Verne was unresponsive. An LVN with the Fort Worth, Texas, jail who was in the unit also went into the cell and immediately began compressions. Additional medical personnel arrived and took over lifesaving measures.

Times When Inmates Are at High Risk for Suicide

As a result of numerous studies on custodial suicide, certain high-risk periods for inmates have been identified. Many of these vulnerable times are related to phases of incarceration and steps in the criminal justice process.

It could save lives to keep watch on inmates in the following circumstances because they are strong indicators of a potential suicide attempt:

  • Intoxication/ Withdrawal
  • The first 24 hours of incarceration
  • Sentencing and trial hearings
  • Impending release
  • Bad news from home
  • Decreased staff supervision
  • Holidays
  • Weekends

Jail staff should become familiar with certain signs and symptoms that an inmate might exhibit which foretell of a possible suicide attempt. If they are detected, steps could be taken to prevent such an incident. Staff should listen to what individuals are saying and carefully observe their behavior when they are being arrested, transported to the jail, and booked into the facility. This is vital for detecting that a person likely has suicidal ideations.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

Providing helpful resources to detainees in Texas jails and their families is one of the purposes of this website. There is no intention on this site of implying that a person or organization has been involved in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh