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A 2nd Bexar County Jail Inmate Dies Within 3 Days-Pt.5

DM Inmate in handcuffs

On behalf of Bexar County Jail inmate Freeman Emmanuel Verne, on July 2, 2023, the San Antonio Fire Department and Emergency Management Services (EMS) were called. At 7:51 AM, the EMS took over lifesaving measures. Sadly, at 8:06 AM, Mr. Verne was pronounced deceased by Dr. Sparkman, MD.

Inmates are Identified as High Risk for Suicide During Intake

Jail personnel who are involved in intake screening are required to have additional training in suicide prevention. The following are some of the things looked for in determining whether an individual has an increased risk for suicidal ideations:

  • Does the inmate lack close family ties or friends in the community?
  • Has the inmate experienced a significant loss within the past six months? Examples are the death of a close family member, loss of relationship, and loss of their job.
  • Does the detainee have other major problems they are worried about other than the current legal situation? Examples are a medical condition, fear of losing his or her job, and serious financial problems.
  • A family member or significant other has committed or attempted suicide. (i.e. spouse, lover, parent, close friend.)
  • Does the detainee have a psychiatric history?
  • Does the inmate have a history of alcohol or drug abuse?
  • Does the detainee hold a position of respect in the community—professional or public official—and/or the alleged crime is shocking in nature?

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of this five-part series.

Providing helpful resources to detainees in Texas jails and their families is one of the purposes of this website. There is no intention on this site of implying that a person or organization has been involved in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh