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A Bexar County Detainee Dies-3

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Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Ed Penix was 63 years old when he was arrested and booked into Bexar County Jail on October 5, 2023. In under a week, he was pronounced deceased. The custodial death report (CDR) about Mr. Penix includes a summary of how his death occurred. He was in the infirmary for treatment of diabetes, an open wound, and lower extremity weakness. He also had low blood sugar and was perspiring. Medical was purportedly preparing to transport Mr. Penix to the emergency room for a higher level of care when he became unresponsive on October 10, 2023, the same day he was pronounced deceased.

A Detainee Dies by Suicide in Bexar County Jail Continued

The CDR’s summary of how the death of William James Shandore occurred indicates that at 1:25 p.m. another detainee at the jail was distributing water to each cell.  At about 1:29 p.m., as he approached cell AG26, he noticed that Mr. Shandore was hanging. He immediately notified the Unit AG Deputy Adan Gonzalez. Deputy Gonzalez immediately initiated a CODE 1 via radio and also immediately ran to Mr. Shandore’s cell. He observed that Mr. Shandore was hanging from a ligature that appeared to be fashioned out of a bedsheet. Mr. Shandore was hanging from the vent above the sink.

Deputy Gonzalez used the rescue tool to cut Mr. Shandore down, and he began CPR. One of the first personnel to respond to the scene was Deputy Gustavo Vargas, who is with the Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT).

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this continuing series.

Among other reasons, this website was created to provide detainees in local Texas jails and their families with helpful resources. There is no intention of making insinuations that persons or entities have engaged in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh