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A Taylor County Jail Inmate Dies of Unknown Reasons-Pt.4

On April 29, 2023, jailers at Taylor County Jail administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and an automated external defibrillator (AED) to Kevin Marlon Myers after discovering he had no pulse. The Abilene Fire Department and emergency medical services arrived and continued lifesaving efforts.

A Now-Deceased Inmate was Allegedly Denied Medical Care Continued

A duodenal ulcer is a treatable condition and when the inmate’s ulcer perforated, the intestinal fluids that leaked into his abdominal cavity likely caused sepsis, which is a deadly condition if it isn’t treated immediately.

Many times, in stories of inmates who are suffering intense pain from a medical condition, jail staff members, including the medical staff, will not take them seriously. Instead of evaluating what may be a legitimate medical issue, they assume the patient is acting out, trying to get attention.

An investigation into the death at the jail outside Texas revealed that the inmate’s deteriorating health and death were unnecessary. The condition and needed treatment were predictable, but they refused to seek an evaluation and treatment at a higher level. They also refused to send the inmate to the hospital.

It is often suggested that these third-party medical care providers for inmates deny treatment as a way of retaining their own profits.

See Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

The goal of providing information on this website is to help Texas inmates who are now or have previously been prisoners in county or municipal jails in the state. Making allegations that entities or persons have been involved in wrongdoing is never an intention.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh