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An Inmate Dies During a Brief Stay in the League City, Texas, Jail – Pt. 2

DM Inside a jail cell

According to jail records, Corey Paul Denton Davis had mental health problems. After being booked into League City jail in League City on July 27, 2021, he refused recommended medical care the next day. He was found unresponsive and soon after pronounced dead on July 31, 2021.

Continuing from the first segment of this series, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) includes the following requirements in the Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan that all county jails must develop and implement.

Details from RULE §273.5 Continued

Each county jail must maintain documentation to be made available during the annual jail inspection, and the documentation must show:

  • The information request from the  CCQ/IDD system was submitted, and it must include:
    • Documentation on the notification to the magistrate and the Local Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authority or the  Local Mental Health Authority.
    • Any relevant mental health or intellectual and developmental disability information on the mental health screening instrument and, in the event the inmate is sentenced to the Department of Criminal Justice, on the Uniform Health Status form.

The following is among the principles and procedures that must be included in the mental disabilities/suicide prevention plan:

  • Staff members must be trained on the procedures for effectively recognizing, supervising, documenting, and handling inmates who have mental disabilities or who are potentially suicidal. In addition, staff members responsible for intake screening should have supplemental training.

Learn more in Part 1 and this continuing series.

It is not intended on this site to infer misdeeds on the part of persons or institutions. Each of this website’s posts is intended as a resource of potential assistance to inmates now or previously housed in a Texas county jail.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh