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Are Inmates in Texas Protected from Medical Neglect?-Pt.12

DM County Jail

In a County Outside Texas, an Inmate Suffers Medical Neglect and Dies in Horrendous Conditions Continued

Following the inmate’s death, his family widely shared photos that supposedly showed the conditions inside their loved one’s jail cell. The deplorable condition of the cell is inexcusable. It was described as not being fit for a diseased animal.

The sheriff’s office addressed the issue of the infestation of lice, bed bugs, and other vermin. He allotted $500,000 in emergency expenses to go toward correcting the situation.

Noncompliance with the Rule Regarding the Distribution of Prescriptions

County jails are inspected at least once per year as a matter of course and special jail inspections follow custodial deaths. Inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) check pertinent records, documents, and videos during inspections. When it comes to holding jails accountable for medical neglect, the only area where they are held to account, it seems, is in the area of providing inmates with their medications.

If inmates do not receive prescription medication while in jail, they are likely to suffer. Sadly, inmates sometimes die from denial of medical care such as receiving doctor-prescribed medication. In the next installment of this series, learn about Texas county jails that have recently been non-compliant with regard to the distribution of prescription medications.

See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, and Part 11 of this continuing series.

Helping inmates now or previously detained in a municipal or county jail in Texas is one of the purposes of this website. There is never any intention of suggesting that any individual or organization was engaged in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh