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Cameron County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

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The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) currently lists Cameron County Jail in Texas as a Non-Compliant Jail twice on the TCJS website. A Notice of Non-Compliance was sent to Cameron County on October 4, 2023. It specifies the minimum jail standard the jail was cited for in a special jail inspection report issued on October 1, 2023. TCJS inspectors allege that the Brownsville, Texas, jail violated 1 minimum jail standard.

The address of Cameron County Jail is 954 E Harrison St Brownsville, TX 78520. The jail has a 500-bed capacity. Details on the alleged noncompliance follow.

Rule §273.5(a)(1)- Training

Cameron County Jail has been cited for violating Rule §273.5(a)(1)- Training, which is in the chapter on Health Services, as follows: Training. Provisions for staff training (including frequency and duration) on the procedures for recognition, supervision, documentation, and handling of inmates who are mentally disabled and/or potentially suicidal. Supplemental training should be provided to those staff members responsible for intake screening.

  • Video that was submitted after a custodial death was reviewed and revealed that eight (8) observation rounds were not conducted within the mandated 30-minute timeframe required in the housing area. Additionally, several of the rounds were not conducted face to face because the windows to the single cells had coverings that were not lifted by the jailer to observe the inmates.

The custodial death referred to may be in regard to Johnny Gutierrez.

Cameron County Jail was already listed on the TCJS site because, in June 2023, the jail was cited for alleged noncompliance with Rule §275.04~Staff, which is in the chapter on the Supervision of Inmates.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh