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Do Texas Inmates Often Suffer Due to Medical Neglect?-Pt.17

Helen Renee Jackson Dies After Incarceration at Denton County Jail

On November 17, 2021, Helen Renee Jackson was booked into Denton County Jail, Denton, Texas. She died in the custody of the jail on December 29, 2021. An Amended Custodial Death Report (CDR) about Ms. Jackson’s passing was filed by the Denton County Sheriff’s Office on June 27, 2022. The amended report shows that the results of an autopsy were not conclusive, and her cause of death is unknown.

The summary of how her death occurred is unchanged from the original CDR to the final amended version. Pertinent information from that summary follows:

  • Inmate Helen Jackson was seen by jail medical staff on multiple occasions and was cleared to remain housed in Pod-8. Ms. Jackson disrupted the Pod continuously and, therefore, was removed via wheelchair into Holding Cell 1 for the purpose of being observed more frequently. Her vital signs were monitored, and she was checked every 30 minutes or less. Approximately 8 minutes after the previous medical check, a jailer saw that the inmate was in an unresponsive state. Life-saving measures ensued, and she was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital. Once there, she was pronounced deceased.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, and this continuing series.

In providing posts on this site, the hope is to help Texas inmates who are or have been detained in a municipal or county jail in the state. Accusing individuals or institutions of involvement in misdeeds is never intended on this website.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh