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Illicit Drugs Smuggled into Local Jails Endanger Inmates-Pt.6

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Moore County Jail is Cited for Not Observing Inmates in Detox Cells as Required-More Info

In the notice of non-compliance report dated September 6, 2022, in which Moore County Jail was cited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) for failing to meet minimum jail standards, more information than previously mentioned is provided. Moore County Jail is located at 700 S Bliss Ave, Dumas, TX 79029. A special inspection had been conducted there after the death of an inmate, as indicated in the comments in the report.

Extended notes provide additional details about discoveries made by the TCJS inspector. In the inspection requirements review, the inspector conveyed the information below and in the next segment of this series:

  • In checking on compliance with Chapter 265 -Admission, a video submitted after a custodial death at Moore County Jail was reviewed. The inspector found that face-to-face inmate observations did not occur during multiple hours. Additionally, it was determined that inmates are “moved” in the computer system to show the inmate in a different cell or location than where the inmate is physically being held.
  • Specifically, in the incident referred to, the inmate was “moved” in the computer system to a different cell. The cell where the inmate was actually housed was noted as being empty and observation rounds did not occur. The inspector made the statement that the practice will cease immediately.

Also see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 of this ongoing series.

This website aims to provide helpful resources that could benefit inmates incarcerated in local jurisdictions in Texas, whether municipal or county jails. Making accusatory statements against organizations or people is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh