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Matagorda County Jail Texas Inmate Dies 5 Hours After Booking-Pt.3

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

Markist Levar Sims entered Matagorda County Jail at the age of 45 on August 5, 2022, and he was placed in a detox cell. He was in the Bay City, Texas, detention center for less than 5 hours when he was declared deceased at 2:56 AM on August 6. The cause of death is pending results of an autopsy.

RULE §271.1(b)(3)–Objective Classification Plan—Alleged Non-Compliance

After conducting the annual jail inspection at the Matagorda County Jail, the inspector with the Texas Department of Jail Standards (TCJS) left a message regarding alleged non-compliance with minimum jail standards.

The inmate classification files were reviewed, and it was found that the inmate reassessments were not conducted within the required 30-90 days.

Objectives of Jail Classification Systems

The National Institute of Corrections recently conducted a study on the impact of jail classification systems. Classification is generally now viewed as a management tool and a way to enhance consistency and fairness in decision-making.

Two major factors in classification or objective classification and personal characteristics. The following are attributes of objective classification:

  • Prior convictions
  • Prior incarcerations
  • Severity of offense

Meanwhile, personal characteristics that may be considered in the classification process include age, residence, and employment.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this continuing series.

On this site, each post is intended as a helpful resource beneficial to prisoners now or previously detained in a county or municipal jail in Texas. Making insinuations against people or organizations is never intended on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh