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North Texas Lawyer – A Former Jailer Outside Texas Faces Criminal Charges for Allegedly Beating an Inmate – Part 2

Minor Infractions

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards lists the following types of discipline that are approved as responses to minor infractions. A minor infraction is a violation of jail regulations and rules that do not constitute any type of serious offense against a person and does not pose a serious threat to safety and order inside the jail. Sanctions for minor infractions are limited to the following:

  • A written or verbal reprimand
  • Counseling
  • In direct supervision facilities that are podular in nature, temporary restriction to a cell for 24 hours at most
  • Disciplinary separation for no longer than 15 days
  • Restitution for any damage done to jail property
  • Loss of privileges for no longer than 15 days
  • Loss of credit for good conduct

Discipline for Major Infractions

A major infraction is a violation of regulations and rules that constitute serious offenses against people and/or property and that also pose a serious threat to safety and order in the jail. Sanctions for major infractions include:

  • Loss of credit for good conduct
  • Removal from work programs or details
  • Disciplinary separation for no longer than 30 days
  • Loss of privileges for a maximum of 30 days
  • Restitution for damage to jail property

See Part 1 of this ongoing series to learn more about the minimum jail standards related to punishments as well as a story from outside Texas in which a former jailer has been charged with a crime for his alleged disciplinary methods with an inmate.

The posts on this site are provided as potentially helpful resources. There is never an intent on the website to make any sort of implication that a person or institution has been involved in any sort of wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh