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On 3/1/21, a Harrison County Jail, TX, Inmate Dies

Larry David Hurt died on March 1, 2021, in the custody of Harrison County Jail in Marshall, Texas. An additional inspection was conducted as a result of the death. The special inspection report showed alleged non-compliance in the area of intake information related to suicide and mental disabilities.

The intake process in county Texas jails can take an hour, a full day, or longer. Forty-eight hours is the maximum amount of time an inmate is supposed to be held in a holding cell, per the Texas Administrative Code, which is established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS).

The Intake Process

Inmates are provided with ongoing training in connection with the booking process. The types of things to be determined include:

  • What is the appropriate housing classification?
  • Is the inmate mentally handicapped?
  • Does the individual need to be placed on suicide watch?
  • What is the inmate’s health status?

Housing Classification

Housing classification is important because inmates should be placed in the appropriate housing that is least restrictive. The following factors are considered:

  • Current conviction or offense
  • Escape history
  • Offense history
  • History of institutional discipline
  • Prior convictions
  • Drug and/or alcohol abuse
  • Stability factors

County jails assess inmates for placement in the minimum, medium, or maximum custody level. Juveniles are separated from adults by sight and sound, which is mandated in rule §51.12  of the Family Code.

See more in this ongoing series.

This website has no intention of inferring that wrongdoing has occurred, whether on the part of persons or institutions. The information in the posts on this site is meant to potentially help inmates in county jails in Texas, whether they are currently or were previously detained.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh