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Tarrant County Jail Inmate Writes Suicide Note Before Dying-Pt.3

The Tarrant County Sheriff’s Department prepared a custodial death report (CDR) about the death of Adrian Chevez. Under the medical cause of death, the report states, “Pending. Believed self-inflicted asphyxia of the airway by hanging.” It also shows, under the type of weapon that caused death, “towel for hanging.” The CDR also reveals that Mr. Chevez made suicidal statements on June 1, 2023, when he went through intake at Tarrant County Corrections Center Jail in Fort Worth, Texas.

How Important Is it to Train Jailers in Suicide Prevention? Continued

All mental health personnel, health care staff, and jail staff should go through suicide prevention training initially when they are hired. In addition, refresher training is required annually. The training should include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Why are correctional environments conducive to suicidal behavior?
  • Attitudes of the jail staff toward suicide.
  • What are the potential predisposing factors to suicide?
  • What periods during incarceration are high risk for suicide?
  • Warning signs and symptoms that an inmate is or may be suicidal?
  • Information about recent suicides and/or serious suicide attempts within the facility or agency.
  • Components of the facility’s suicide prevention policy.
  • How to perform standard first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • How to use the various types of emergency equipment located in each housing unit.
  • Mock drills should be incorporated into initial and refresher training for all staff.
  • During jail inspections in Texas, jails are often cited for failing to provide suicide prevention training.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this ongoing series.

One of purposes of this website is to provide helpful information of benefit to municipal and county jail inmates in Texas. Insinuating that misdeeds have occurred on the part of institutions or persons is not intended on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh