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Wrongful Death in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Aransas County Jail, also known as Aransas County Detention Center

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The address for Aransas County Jail is 811 E. Concho in Rockport, Texas 78382. The jail’s phone number is (361) 790-0168. The jail is more commonly known as Aransas County Detention Center. Duties of the Aransas County Sheriff include taking charge of and responsibility for the county jail and its inmates.

The Aransas County Detention Center website makes helpful information readily available, such as the Inmate Handbook. Instructions for grievance procedures are included in the handbook. It is important for inmates to understand that they have rights. Details of grievance procedures for the Aransas County Jail include the types of grievances that may be filed, such as:

  • Unjust restriction or denial of inmate privileges
  • Violations of civil rights
  • A criminal act
  • A prohibited act by members of the jail staff

Inmates with legitimate grievances are instructed to request a grievance form, which will be filled out and returned to a grievance officer. Inmates will receive a written response supposedly within 15 days.

The most common types of inmate grievances and complaints made by loved ones of prisoners in city and county jails in Texas are related to inadequate medical care, though the jails have an obligation to protect the constitutional rights of all inmates.

The purpose of this post and all posts on this site is to provide information. There is no intention to imply or insinuate wrongdoing or misconduct on the part of Aransas County Jail or any individual or organization.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh