Wrongful Death, Neglect, and Abuse in Jail Lawyer/Attorney in Texas: Henderson County Jail
The location of Henderson County Jail is 206-A North in Athens, Texas 75751. The number to contact the jail is (903) 675-5128. Henderson County Jail’s bed capacity is 509. The Henderson County Sheriff has the duty of handling jail operations per established Texas minimum jail standards. The standards are determined by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). The Henderson County Jail is inspected annually. As part of the enforcement used by TCJS, jails that fail to meet minimum standards are subjected to heightened scrutiny via additional jail inspections.
High-Risk Inmate Supervision
A modern-day challenge that all jails face, including Henderson County Jail, is the high number of mentally disabled individuals who are incarcerated. It is important to the safety of high-risk inmates that the jail staff adheres to minimum jail standards for inmate supervision.
Although the general population of prisoners in Texas county jails is personally observed by jailers every 60 minutes, high-risk inmates are observed face-to-face every half hour.
This entire system of helping to ensure the safety of inmates is largely dependent on the intake process when an inmate is being booked in jail. Each county jail has a duty to provide appropriate training to all jail staff so that the needs of high-risk inmates can be attended to. Staff members assigned to intake of prisoners are to receive additional training for the purpose of understanding procedures for recognizing, handling, supervising, and documenting mentally disabled and/or potentially suicidal inmates.
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–Guest Contributor