Zavala County Jail Fails State Inspection
The Zavala County jail, in Crystal City, Texas, recently failed a Texas Commission on Jail Standards (“TCJS”) inspection. The inspection occurred on April 12, 2021. The Zavala County jail is now listed as being non-compliant by the TCJS.
The violations were serious, as it relates to inmate safety. First, the inspector could not verify that medication was consistently administered to inmates as ordered by a physician. Obviously, if a person does not receive medication ordered by a physician, the failure to receive that medication could lead to serious injury and/or death.
Second, the TCJS inspector determined that jailers exceeded the required 15-minute face-to-face observation period for inmates placed in restraints. Restraint chairs are often used in Texas jails, and jails must use such restraint chairs in a humane manner. That includes making appropriate observations of inmates.
Finally, TCJS standards require that jailers observe inmates at least every 30 minutes in areas in which those prisoners are known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or have demonstrated bizarre behavior. The TCJS inspector determined that jailers in the Zavala County jail exceeded the 30-minute observation period for such inmates.
These failures can lead to significant injury or death. Therefore, hopefully, the Zavala County jail will cure its deficiencies.