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A Denton County Inmate’s Death is Linked to Non-Compliance-Pt6

DM Inside a jail cell

Cooke County Jail Inmate Kevin Patrick Cantwell Dies on 5/1/22 Continued

In a recent custodial death report (CDR) prepared by the Cooke County Sheriff’s Department in Gainesville, Texas, the events surrounding the death of Kevin Patrick Cantwell are summarized. The summary goes further back than many CDRs do, as far as details of the inmate’s stay at the jail. It indicates that initially, at the time of booking, Mr. Cantwell was threatening to commit suicide. He was placed in a solitary isolation cell and was on suicide watch until April 20, 2022. On that day, via a video conference, Mr. Cantwell was evaluated by Texoma Community Center. The center made the recommendation to remove Mr. Cantwell from being “on view” and place him among the inmates in the general population.

Even after the evaluation, however, Mr. Cantwell was kept in the solitary isolation cell because he kept soiling himself and removing all his clothing.

The summary then begins to address the day of Mr. Cantwell’s death. At about 3:35 PM on May 1, 2022, Mr. Cantwell was seen laying on the floor of his cell as jailers were conducting routine observations of inmates. He appeared to be unresponsive at that time. The jail staff began administering CPR, and a call was put in to request emergency medical services.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 of this series. The details surrounding Mr. Cantwell’s death will continue in the next installment.

The purpose of this website is to help inmates in Texas detained in county and municipal jails. Implicating people or institutions in connection with misdeeds is never intended on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh