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Are Inmate Deaths in Local Jails Often Preventable?-Pt.19

Common Myths About Suicide Continued

Myth 7 – There is never a warning before a suicide attempt.

Fact: Before any individual attempts suicide, they always give warning signs. It is essential to be alert to such warning signs so that they can be taken seriously and acted upon. The following are a few of the common warning signs that a person is contemplating or seriously planning to take his or her own life:

  • Acquiring a means for dying by suicide, such as stockpiling pills or purchasing a gun.
  • Verbal signals always precede suicide. Examples include, “I should never have been born,” or “I’m going to kill myself.”
  • Desiring to be left alone, they withdraw from social interactions.
  • Dramatic mood swings are a daily thing, with deep discouragement one day and an emotional high the next.
  • Increasingly using alcohol or drugs.
  • Demonstrating a preoccupation with dying, violence, or death.
  • Changing daily routines, such as sleeping or eating patterns.
  • Taking dangerous, potentially self-destructive risks such as driving recklessly.
  • With no logical explanation for doing so, giving belongings away and getting affairs in order.
  • Bidding farewell to people as though it is the last time they will see each other.
  • Behaving in a severely agitated or anxious manner, especially in association with other warning signs listed here.
  • Gives evidence of changes in personality.
  • Feeling hopeless or trapped in a difficult situation.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, and Part 18.

This website seeks to provide help to inmates in Texas jails, both municipal jails and county jails. Insinuating that an institution or person has been involved in misdeeds is never an intention.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh